đź“– Authors & Books

Author Title
Banosky and Hardy End Game 2015.
Baker, Norman And what do you do 2020. Monarchy
Brand, Russell Revolution. 2014 Political
Carne, Ross The Leaderless Revolution. 2011 Political
Chomsky, Noam Making the Future. 2012 Geo political
Colburn, Theo Our Stolen Future. 1996. Environment
Cooke-greuter, Susan Ego Development pdf. 1985 Psychology*
Das, Satyajit. Extreme money. 2011 Financial
Filiu, Jean-Paul Gaza 2020. Geo political
🌹 Graeber, David The Democracy Project. 2013 Geo political* Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology 2004. Political* Debt the first 500 years. 2011. Anthropology Bullshit Jobs. 2018. Economics* The ultimate hidden truth of the world 2024
Harari, Yuval Noah. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. 2018. Anthropology
Hickel, Jason The Divide. 2018. Geo political* Less is More. 2020. Geo political*
Hudson, Michael And forgive them their Debts. 2018. Economics
Jackson, Ross Occupy Word Street. 2012. Geo political
Jones, Owen. Chavs. 2012 Uk Political The Establishment. 2014 Uk Political This Land. 2020. Uk Political .
Kallis, Giorgos. In Defence of Degrowth. Collection. Economics
Keen, Steve Debunking Economics. 2011. Economics* Can we avoid another financial crisis. 2017. Economics* The New Economics. 2022 Economics*……………………………………………………………………………………..………”Rebuilding Economics from the Top Down” later this year
Kennard, Matt and Claire Provost Silent coup. 2023. Geo political
Klein, Naomi No Logo. 1999. Corporates* The Shock Doctrine 2007 Geo political This Changes Everything. 2014. Environment* No is Not Enough. 2011 . Economics+ On Fire. 2019. Environment Doppelgänger. 2023.
Kingsnorth, Paul Confessions of a recover Environmentalist 2017. Environment
Kolbert, Elizabeth The 6th Extinction. 2014. Climate
Kuhn, Thomas The Structure of Scientific revolutions. 1962. Paradigms
Masanobu, Fukuoka The One Straw Revolution. 1975. Nature
Maté Gabor The Realm of Hungry Ghosts 2018. Addiction
Monbiot, George Bring on the Apocalypse. 2009. Climate The Capitve State 2000. Corporates The Age of Consent. 2003. Political How did we get into this mess. 2016. Environment* Feral. 2013. Environment* Out of the Wreckage 2017. Climate* Regenisis. 2023. Environment +
McLean & Nocera All the Devils are here. 2010. Financial
Negri, Antonio Marx beyond Marx. 1991. Economics+
Perkins, John Confessions of a Economic Hitman. 2005. Geo poitical
Pettifor, Ann The Coming First World Crisis. 2006. Economics* The New Green Deal. 2020. Economics
Pikelty,Thomas Capital in the 21st Century 2014. Economics Capital and Ideology. 2020. Economics
Pilger, John The New Rulers of the World 2002. Geo political Freedom next time. 2006. Geo political
Price, Andy. Recovering Bookchin. 2012. Environment
Prins, Nomi Collusion, How Central Bankers rigged the world 2018. Financial
Raworth, Kate Doughnut Economics 2017. Economics*
Rifkin, Jeremy The Zero Marginal Cost Society 2014. Geo political
Shaxston, Nicholas The Finance Curse. 2018. Financial
Tolle, Eckhart. The Power of Now. 1997. Psychology A New Earth 2005 Psychology *
Varoufakis, yannis The Global Minotaur. 2011. Economics The Weak suffer what they must 2016. Economics* Adults in the room. 2017. Geo political * Talking to my daughter. 2017. Geo political* Technofeudalism. 2023. Under review
Williams, Barbara Saving us from ourselves. 2020. Degrowth
Wolf, Naomi The End of America 2007. Geo political
Todd, Emmanuell The defeat of the West 2023 Geo political
Mandour, Maged Egypt under El-Sisi: A Nation on the Edge 2024
Standing, Guy The Precariat 2014. Economic
Fraser, Ian “Shredded” history of RBS 2012
Negri, Antonio Marx beyond Marx. 1991
Thomas, Gordon & Morgan-Witts, Max The day the Bubble Burst (1929 crash) 1979
Diamond, Jared Collapse 2011
Abraham, Richard Rosa Luxemberg
Darling, Danny Inequality and the 1% 2011
Posner, Gerald Gods Bankers. (Vatican) 2015
Lomas, Robert The Lost Key (Freemasons)
Armstrong, Karen The Great Transformation (axial & faiths)
Bendell, Jem Breaking Together, (collapse of society)
🌹 Bohm, David On Dialogue (Printed posthumously in 1996)
Parampil, Anya Corporate Coup (Venezuela and end of the US empire 2024)
Martyanov, Andrei America's Final War 2024
Winstanley, Asa Weaponising anti-semitism 2023
Rattray-Taylor, Gordon The biological time bomb 1968
Carson, Rachel Silent Spring 1962
Wolff, Richard D Understanding Capitalism. 2024

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